Industry News

Portfolio Manager and the Wholesale DC Reference Standard Meter

Author: admin / 2022-12-01
The Wholesale DC Reference Standard Meter (WDRSM) is a tool used to monitor electrical consumption in properties. Its meter ID contains important information such as the date the meter became active, the date it stopped registering measured consumption, and the location of the meter. These details can help the Portfolio Manager user interpret meter IDs meaningfully.
There are two metrics used to calculate wholesale electric costs: the Annual Maximum Demand (AMPD) and the Annual Demand Cost (ADC). A meter's AMD is the highest demand measured over a twelve-month performance period. The Annual Demand Cost (ADC) is the total demand cost across all meters in a 12-month period.

The Wholesale DC Reference Standard Meter (WDRSM) is a tool used to monitor electrical consumption in properties. Its meter ID contains important information such as the date the meter became active, the date it stopped registering measured consumption, and the location of the meter. These details can help the Portfolio Manager user interpret meter IDs meaningfully.
There are two metrics used to calculate wholesale electric costs: the Annual Maximum Demand (AMPD) and the Annual Demand Cost (ADC). A meter's AMD is the highest demand measured over a twelve-month performance period. The Annual Demand Cost (ADC) is the total demand cost across all meters in a 12-month period.
HS-7510 Automatic Water Meter Verification System

The national metrological verification regulation stipulates that the water meter must be checked flow error by four flow point: nominal flow rate, boundary flow rate, minimum flow rate, initial dynamic flow rate and the pressure resistance verification of the water meter.At present the verification/testing of water meter by manually working like clamping,verifying,calculating records and unloading meter, so slowly.